Welcome in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe

Are you an expatriate who’s a bit lost when it comes to administrative formalities?
The Foreign Nationals Department carries out various procedures relating to the residence and settlement of citizens from abroad wishing to reside in the commune as workers, students, researchers, holders of sufficient means of subsistence, spouses, partners, ascendants, descendants, refugee candidates, etc.
Opening hours :
The foreigners’ department is open by appointment only.
Appointment requests must be made online via the Irisbox platform.
Please note
You must book one appointment per person. For example, if you wish to apply for a residence permit for yourself and your spouse, you must book two appointments.
People who do not speak French or Dutch must be accompanied by an interpreter.
We advise you to arrive on time. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your appointment will be kept.
Check that you have all the documents you need to complete your formalities, to avoid unnecessary travel.
Documents must be produced in duplicate (1 original and 1 copy).
Please note that no information on your personal file will be given by telephone or e-mail.
The service can be reached by e-mail at etrangers@berchem.brussels
For information on the different types of residence and the documents to be produced:
For information on legalizations and visas:
For information on asylum-seeker status and the asylum procedure, please consult the following websites:
- Office of the commissioner general for refugees and stateless persons : CGRA
- Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (FEDASIL)
For information on self-employed workers :
- Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy: https://economie.fgov.be
For information on the single permit:
For registration of a lease contract:
- Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 Box 3954 – 1000 Brussels – (entrance next to Botanique metro station) Tel: 02 572 57 57
- Registration of a lease contract
Reception of newcomers / integration program
Opening hours :
The foreigners’ department is open by appointment only.
Appointment requests must be made online via the Irisbox platform.
More questions? – EXPAT WELCOME DESK